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Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I enter my animal into the Archives Program?By entering your animal, you help validate the effectiveness of traditional archery equipment! You also help in creating historical documentation that may be used in establishing state archery bag limits and seasons. Most importantly you preserve a lasting memory and pay respect to the animal.
What do I receive personally from my entry?You will receive a certificate suitable for framing that states the final score, date of harvest and location of where the animal was taken. We will also be publishing your photo and possibly your story of the hunt in our Quarterly Newsletter.
Can I enter and animal that has already been measured or entered into another organization such as Boone & Crockett Club or the Pope & Young Club?Yes, we accept all animals measured by Boone & Crockett Club and Pope & Young Club. Just present your stamped measurer's copy from B&C or P&Y, along with CTB Fair Chase Affidavit with a photo of the animal harvested to the CTB Archives Secretary or Chairman for entry.
Do I have to be a member of Compton Traditional Bowhunters to enter the animal into the Archives Program?No, but we do encourage everyone to become a member.
How do I become a member?Simply fill out a membership application and include a check for the annual membership fee. In return you will be receiving a copy of each Quarterly Newsletter "A Walk in the Woods".
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