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What's in it for you?

Compton Traditional Bowhunters is The National Traditional Bowhunting Organization, with members throughout the U.S. and Canada, and in countries all over the globe. 

Benefits of membership inlude:

  • Our quarterly, full-color magazine titled, "A Walk in the Woods."  Each issue is packed full of photos, hunting stories, articles, advice, and inspiration, and almost all of our content comes from the pillars of our organization, our members.

  • One year paid members will receive a window decal, and three-year members will receive a patch

  • Paid members vote in the board elections, choosing the leaders who guide the direction of the organization.

  • Paid members receive discounts on shooting fees to our yearly Rendezvous in Berrien Springs, MI

Most importantly, however, you will become part of a community of bowhunters that stretches back some 10,000 years into the past. Fred Bear once said, "The history of the bow and arrow is the history of mankind." 


Additionally, as a supporter of Compton Traditional Bowhunters, you immediately become part of the future of traditional archery. Traditional Archery needs a voice, and it needs your support to make that voice heard.


Your membership fees help us to promote, preserve, protect, and perpetuate the traditional way. We're promoting with this website, the magazine, social media, and our events. We're preserving and protecting our heritage by creating and maintaining the only written record of hunting success achieved using traditional equipment, the Compton Archives . And finally, we are perpetuating traditional archery by donating thousands of bows and arrows to Youth Programs all over the country.


Your membership says something about your values, your priorities, your ethics; in short, it says something about who you are. Become part of the only organization in existence with the sole purpose of promoting and preserving traditional archery, Compton Traditional Bowhunters.


Membership Fees

Annual Membership: $35.00
Annual Family Membership: $55.00 (Husband, Wife, and Children 16 and under. Membership includes 2 votes for members 18 years or older)
3-Year Individual Membership: $90.00
3-Year Family Membership: $140.00
Lifetime Membership: $700.00
Lifetime Member: (65 or older) $350.00

Photo Courtesy of Jerry Gowins.

For Questions, please reach out to Membership

Application Form

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